I read some many years ago a book entitled Life As Viewed from the Goldfish Bowl by Beverly Hyles. She wrote about life as a Pastor’s wife, including some of the pitfalls to which many a preacher’s wife become victims. If you are in the ministry, I highly recommend this book. In the book, Mrs. Hyles talks about going to God each day with a sense of urgency. We never know what each day holds for us, and we need to be as close to Him as possible so that whatever does happen, we have the help we need close at hand. I know that God is with us always if we’re saved, not just if we have our daily devotions. However, be honest, if you had a good friend that moved away, and you never wrote her, called her or visited her, would you call her for a loan if you were in a tight spot financially? I wouldn’t dream of it! If I didn’t care to keep in touch with her during my good times, why would I dare ask a favor in harsh times?? That would take a lot of nerve!
Now think about your walk with God. Do you talk to Him daily? Do you hear from Him by reading His letter to you each day, the Bible? Is your life going great right now? Good! You should thank Him for making that possible. Are things a bummer? Then talk to Him about it. Maybe you haven’t kept in touch with Him like you should, but go ahead and tell Him you blew it. He’s there waiting to restore you.
I’ve recently seen in the national news a story about Fred Phelps, the pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. He is a preacher of hate, and he just lost a law suit to the sum of $11 million for picketing soldiers funerals. We lived in Topeka and witnessed his church’s hate first hand. I don’t find Fred Phelp’s god in the Bible. I believe John 3:16! God loves America – He loves you! Is He just? Yes. But He cannot hate. If you haven’t been what you should be, don’t be afraid to go to Him now. He is hoping you will come back!
I don’t pray and study my Bible like I should, but I do feel a renewed “sense of urgency” to get to it sometime in my day. I need to know He’s close
to me as I face each new day.

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