I do not understand why some people do not want to come to church. There are times when I invite a stranger to come visit my church, and they look at me like they’d rather have a root canal…
Oh, and speaking of root canals, mine are through finally. Let me tell you – I’d rather spend a lifetime in church than ever have another one!
I have a wonderful Endodontist (that’s a dentist who only does root canals all day every day – yes, he’s very busy). But no matter how nice they are, they are still having to do something for which no personality could ever compensate. On my first visit,[see my archives: Dec.31,2007] I went to him in pain, and left feeling sweet relief. This time, I went in without pain, and left miserable. This visit he had to put in a real filling in my tooth, the last one was just temporary. Well, I have never been punched in the jaw – thank goodness- but I would imagine that if I ever was, I’d feel the way I do now. My whole head hurts. My teeth really hurt. Will I ever have pain free teeth again?
I’m sorry I didn’t get pics of this exciting procedure, I just couldn’t do it. It’d be great if I did! For 1 1/2 hours I couldn’t say anything!! I had a rubber dam in my mouth (it wraps around the tooth that he’s working on and protects your mouth from the debris created by his work) and it is very uncomfortable. I was so miserable that when they stepped out of the room for a minute, I thought about just “hulking out”: turning green, ripping the rubber dam out of my mouth, and then growling as I stared at them and ran out of the building. But…I thought better of it. Honestly folks, it wasn’t fun. I did survive the claustrophobia brought on by having a piece of rubber in my mouth and people crowding over me and placing various and sundry tools in my face. Boy, did I breath a sigh of relief when it was over.
I came home and Mitch was still sick and Leslie and Laci were cranky because they still feel rotten. I was done for the day. I got supper, had the kids bathed and was in bed by 8:30.
I had better go take care of all the little sick ones – and take a big dose of Vicadin myself (relax, I’m just kidding) and get busy.

The next time you invite someone to church and they look at you like they’d rather have a root canal, just smile and say “Hey, it’s painless…really!” (I ought to know!)

4 thoughts on “Church is Better than a Root Canal!

  1. Mother says:

    I'm glad you can take a lighthearted look at getting a root canal. Your story makes me very, very thankful that I have never had one. Do you know I have never thanked God for that, but I will now. I am praying for your recovery and for ALL your family to be well.
    We had severe and deadly weather in Arkansas, but God was merciful to me and my family in Batesville and Little Rock. I think we have had twelve fatalities statewide from the storms.
    I love you.


  2. Wow!

    You make it sound like soo much fun! lol

    I'm glad that it's over for you now though!

    Trey has been sick since Sunday. Today (wed) it all seems to be coming out his nose and coughing it up.

    Gracie came home from school yesterday and laid down on the couch. She started her fever late last night. argh!

    Right when you think your family is over that horrible flu bug, he creeps right back on you.

    We decided that we are saving some of the tax money back for this next winter's FLU SHOTS!

    We had the washer apart last night to see where the water on the floor was coming from. The setting for my super wash we think has a short in it. It doesn't stop the water, so it overflows. The large and small settings work, so at least I can start doing some laundry. I found the water on Saturday and last night was the only night that we could pull it apart to try and fix it. So I have a mountain of clothes to do now. Minus the two loads I got done this morning. lol

    Gracie and I will be staying home from church tonight. :[
    But with the program my husband has set up, we can still be apart!!!! All the ones that can't make it to church on Wednesday Night, he asked them to commit to praying from 7-7:30pm. Are Wednesday Night Gatherings are focused around prayer. We have a short devotion on prayer and than we pray, pray, pray. He started this up at the beginning of the year and it's going really good. He had commitment cards for the people to fill out. It's mainly the older ones that can't get out at night time to drive. They are really happy that they can be apart of church services by praying during the time we are praying at church. So even though I can't be there, I know that I can still be apart by praying at 7-7:30pm.

    I will pray that God will heal everyone (yours and my family) completely by this Saturday!!


  3. Anonymous says:

    I am so sorry your root canal was so painful. Although my boys would have loved to see you hulk out!!!! Andrew is still sad he never saw daddy hulk out!! I am praying everyone will get well soon.

    Love you,


  4. ~ Miss Nom ~ says:

    Thanks for the comment!

    I remember your husband and brother-in-law 🙂 They were gracious and let me n Em play with the boys 😛 In fact one of them (I can't remember which) busted out a window in a door in our house. Funny the things we remember 🙂

    And I TOTALLY know your teeth pain, and the root canal. Oh my I ABHOR going to the dentist. 😀


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