I wanted to share the following video of my home pastor, Bro. Ken Graham, and his wonderful family. This family means so much to me, I can’t even really think of adequate words to write about them. And if Bro. Graham ever reads this, he won’t believe that I couldn’t think of something to say! I’ve always been a talker. A big talker. But, it’s true. How do I thank someone for over a decade of sermons, many of which changed my life by pointing me to Christ? How do I say thank you to someone for running a youth camp every summer where I met friends that would last a lifetime? How do I adequately thank a lady for being a godly example and accompanying me on the piano for scores of songs? There simply are no words. I’m truly grateful to have had them in my life. You see, I was such a strong young person, I needed lots of help in my growing up years.(And in my adult years, too!) The Grahams’ influence was a wonderful companion to my parents’ godly instruction and lifestyle. I just don’t understand one thing: why did they care about me? I suppose I’ll figure that one out in Heaven.

As I see these precious families displayed in the video below, my mind is filled with memories. I knew all them…well, the four oldest…very well. I remember when the seventh baby (who, um…is no longer a baby, I think she’s 19 now!) came to church for the first time! I remember watching them grow up and then I remember moving away. I moved with my husband and started my own life as a wife, mother and pastor’s wife myself. But part of my heart remains there with my friends, the lively music, the smiling faces and Bro. Graham’s strong – but loving – preaching.

The song in this video says, “I have been blessed” and yes, I know it’s talking about the Grahams. They have been blessed with the goodly heritage that David speaks of Psalm 16:6. My heart swells with joy to see my friends from church and school faithfully serving the Lord. I know Bro. & Mrs. Graham’s heart must nearly explode with joy! But I feel blessed also. I’m blessed to have known them; blessed to have the memories.

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2 thoughts on “Blessed

  1. mona says:

    We were at the Graham's missions conference this year, and it was a real privilege and blessing. They are wonderful examples to all of us. Thank you, Mona


  2. Ava Kinsey says:

    This is one of my most favorite songs!! Love the pics – beautiful family! Love the verse you put in your post.


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