For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: – Job 19:25

I mentioned in a post last year that I try to read my Bible through every year. I have done this since I was a young teenager. However, I admit that I often was just “skimming” it, not studying it, and there is a difference. Skimming it was better than nothing, but I sure didn’t grow very much just glancing at God’s Word a few minutes everyday. Several years ago, I began keeping a journal of my Bible reading everyday. I write down the date, what  I read, and a verse or question that pops out at me. No, I have not become some spiritual giant by doing this, as I’m reminded every time I have a conversation about the Bible with my husband. 😉 But I am growing, little by little, and that’s a good thing.

This year, I’m using the Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible reading schedule. It has been interesting to read from two different places of both the Old and New Testaments everyday. Right now I’m reading Exodus, Job, Luke and 1 Corinthians. Job always humbles me and reminds me that no matter what happens, the Lord is with me and He loves me. Do you ever feel as though God is just out there, watching you but not too involved in your life? I have felt that way sometimes. And this is often after I’ve just seen Him do something special for me that no one else knew I needed! I am just like those Israelites in Exodus, sometimes! I see miracles , or blessings, and then I turn right around and doubt God.

This morning, I read the verse above, in  Job 19. Job is not too happy with his friends. They have been critical of Job to his face after he experienced great loss. I can tell you after having similar experiences after my dad died, that being criticized at such a time just adds sorrow upon sorrow. I can only imagine how Job must have felt after losing almost everything! Yet, through it all, Job says, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him…” (Job 13:15) Today, I read how Job says boldly, “I know my redeemer liveth!” I often approach my spot each morning with fear walking in step with me. “What will this day bring?” I wonder, wide-eyed. I’ve had enough sorrow (as you have, too) to be able to imagine all the horrifying possibilities that await me. But, they are just apparitions! They are not substance. I want to say with Job, that I know my Redeemer liveth (because I do know that) and I know that He is in control. I want to shake fear off and boldly come before His throne. I want to remember this tonight before I rest, and tomorrow morning, and everyday.

With love,



One thought on “My Redeemer Liveth

  1. Carolyn Courtney says:

    Amen! It is obvious why the lost world has to turn to alcohol, drugs, and pleasure to try to find peace and happiness. They do not know the Redeemer and the abundant life He has for them. I’m thankful I do!
    I love you.


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