February graphic

I’m nearing the end of my little series on verses that I love, and I’m finding that I need more than fourteen days in which to share them! Perhaps I can do this again another time. Thank you for joining me.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. ~ Psalm 19:14

This is a verse that my husband taught me. We discuss the Bible often. One day, I realized I didn’t know what his life’s verse was. He told me it was Psalm 19:14. As soon as he quoted it, I knew it was one I needed to learn because of my trouble with my words. As I thought about this verse, I realized that it says a great deal. I pondered it: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” If I could keep my words and my thoughts right, I wouldn’t sin! The Bible says sin begins in the heart, which is a metaphor for our minds. Of course, I can’t keep myself from sinning, but the LORD, who is my strength, and who has redeemed me from my sin, can do that. In fact, He has already done that! In His eyes, I am spotless. That doesn’t mean I’m free from care about my words or my thoughts, but it means I have Help. I don’t need to do it alone. Jesus Christ has conquered sin for me. I only need to rest in Him and depend upon Him for help.

Today, I want to remember to keep my thoughts and my words right in His sight. It’s a tall order for someone like me, but Christ is an all-sufficient Savior.


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