Happy New Year, friends! What a blessing to awaken to another year of life on this Earth. I am enjoying spending a the day at home with my family. My mother arrived on Wednesday and we are happy to have her company for a few days. I really love my husband, my children and my church, but sometimes, there is a strong desire to go home. You know, that place where all of your cares melt away and life seems worth living again? Yes, that place. Thankfully, I visit often, even if it is only in my dreams. Having Mom here is like having my home come to me.


We got a selfie stick! Here’s our first attempt at using it. Happy New Year from our home to yours!

Each year, I make a Bible reading plan of some kind. Last year, I used the Robert Murray M’Cheyne schedule. This year, I’m going to try out a new thing: The One Year Bible. It’s a Bible that is already divided into daily readings. There is an Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs passage for each day of the year. I used it today and it is very different. I do admit that it doesn’t feel like reading a Bible, since it’s paperback. Also, I miss Scofield’s reference notes which are quite helpful. I do think it’s good to change things up, though. It’s far too easy to slip into a rote, mindless reading of the Bible. I do not want to do that. I want to ask questions and search for answers; I want to be alert and gain all I can from the Word of God. I hope this new system will help me to learn more.


I have changed out my 2015 calendars for my 2016 ones. Hard to believe another year is in the books. It is a comfort to know that God can take all that I have done, yes, even my mistakes, and use it for His honor and glory. I pray He will do just that.

I have been mulling over New Year’s resolutions, and have decided to concentrate on only one thing, which I might share at some later time. I decided to focus on only one resolution after reading this article by Mr. Tim Challies. You might enjoy it, too.

I hope you are having a relaxing day, or had one, depending on where you are in the world. It was exciting to see a report from WordPress that last year I had folks from 127 different countries visit my site! Maybe someday I’ll get to visit one of them myself.

Happy New Year!


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