I hope the following story will not offend anyone. I found this on the web and I just had to share it. I am a strong proponent of laughing at myself. I love it. I figure, if I can’t laugh at me, then who, pray tell, can I laugh at? Usually, I only laugh at myself. Not because I’m so funny, but because I can be so ridiculously stupid. And yes, I’ll admit it, I can even act blond at times. (Wait. I am blond. See what I mean?)
Anyway, I came across this story and thought it was so hilarious! My husband thought it was great too. But, I’m a little strange, so that makes him strange by default. He’s guilty by association.

I hold my Bible beliefs and convictions very near and dear to my heart. (Yes, I’ve been known to debate other denominations at their doors while out soulwinning. But only over the big stuff, like salvation, so don’t get any wrong ideas, people, okay? Don’t think I’m opinionated or talkative or wildly animated, okay??:] ) Regardless of my fervency and passion about what I believe, I do still enjoy laughing at the extremes some folks go to when someone else’s ideas aren’t “eye to eye” with their own. After all, even big mouths like me have our limits.
Note: This is a fictional story!

So, enjoy the laugh, and enjoy your weekend! :]

What kind of Baptist are you?
I was in San Francisco once, walking along the Golden Gate Bridge, and I saw this guy on the bridge about to jump. I said to him, “Don’t do it. God loves you!” He said, “How do you know there’s a God?” I said, “Of course there’s a God. Do you think that billions of years ago a bunch of molecules floating around at random could someday have had the sense of humor to make you look like that?” He said, “I do believe in God.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me too. Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me too! What franchise?” He says, “Baptist.” I said, “Me too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He says, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?” He says, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I say, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist or Northern Conservative Reform Baptist?” He says, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist.” I say, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Eastern Region?” He says, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I say, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He says, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I say “Die heretic!” and I shove him off the bridge.**

**Don’t forget, this is fictional. Thank you. :]

2 thoughts on “Putting the FUN back in Fundamentalism

  1. Mother says:

    Funny story–with too much truth in it.

    Love you.


  2. Anonymous says:

    HA! HA!


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