We are home now and I have so many things to post! I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get the hundreds of photos I took on our trip uploaded to my computer, edited and posted here, but I hope you’ll be around when I do. We arrived home on Independence Day and enjoyed watching the fireworks from our driveway. Last year, we had to go to a local church to watch the fireworks and then wait 30 minutes in a line of cars to get home. It sort of ruined it for us…we have five children, after all. This was cheap and very easy. I want to do it every year. šŸ™‚

I have been busy cleaning up the house, doing laundry and picking out paint for the kitchen since we got home. I hope to get started on that project today and finish it by July 31. Haha! I’ve also gotten everything I need for homeschooling next year, but I still have to get the lessons planned out. I want to get that done in July, too.

Matthew will be turning three years old next week, and I can hardly believe it. No matter how much we treasure and cherish the moments of life, they still slip away like sand between our fingers. I’m still glad I’ve taken the time to enjoy the seconds and minutes of life. They are truly priceless.

Here’s a photo I saw on Facebook and just had to share it! I hope to “see” you again soon!


4 thoughts on “A Zillion Things to Share

  1. Anonymous says:

    I can't wait to see the photos and read details of your long trip.


  2. Amanda Tyler says:

    Looking forward to it. Glad you had a good trip. I feel the same about having so much to post about. Hope I can get to it before too long.


  3. Glad you had a good trip and made it home safely. šŸ™‚


  4. Kristy... says:

    I love this photo…


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