
Matthew at the Lincoln Museum.

We have made it home from a two week long family vacation! We began by traveling east to see my nephew graduate high school in North Carolina, we then proceeded north to see my in-laws in Ohio. Our trip back to Oklahoma included a visit to Springfield, Illinois, and the Lincoln home and museum.

My heart is full. So many wonderful memories and blessings to share. I will be posting some photos from our travels for our loved ones in the days to come.

Today, I just wanted to share with you that God answered many prayer requests:

1. Pleasant weather. A few weeks ago, we were in a terrible storm while driving. I understand that God is in control, but I cannot help feeling fear, and a lot of it. It was an intense storm but the Lord saw us safely through it. While were away these last two weeks, our home town endured a terrible flood, but we drove through not one drop of water – plenty of cloudy skies, a few patches of fog, but no rain while traveling to or from home. What a great gift from God!

2. Good health. We have had many times of sickness while away from home and it was so hard. I’m so thankful for this blessing from the Lord. Not one of us (seven people!) was ill on this journey.

3. Safety. God blessed us with His protection across 3,700 miles. No vehicle break downs, no car accidents. We were stuck in a lot of traffic on I-40 eastbound in Arkansas, and a bit more near Nashville, Tennessee, but no major delays.

Up until the last minute, I was prepared not to go on this trip. I had asked God for guidance, and I knew the that He might tell us “no”. I would have been disappointed, but I know the “One who holds tomorrow”, and I trust Him. I am so grateful that He allowed us to go on this vacation, and that He poured out His blessings upon it.

With love,


4 thoughts on “Prayers Answered

  1. Claire says:

    I LOVED seeing you guys again! Glad you had a good trip!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carolyn Courtney says:

    I am so happy to read this report of blessings. I adore the photo of Matthew! I am looking forward to more pictures and trip details.
    I love you.


  3. Victoria says:

    Oh, I love the Lincoln Museum! I wish we could have met up while you were there! Maybe next time. 😉 Glad you had a nice trip.


    1. Oh! I didn’t realize we were close to you! That would have been great.


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