Wow, the years keep slipping by! I can’t believe how quickly my children are growing, and since I’ve been a mom now for almost 16 years, you’d think I’d be used to it. I suppose I just couldn’t imagine having a child behind the wheel when I began motherhood. I could never imagine having a son taller than I. Now, both of those things have happened. I haven’t changed a diaper for over two years. I’ve had only one or two sleepless nights in the last three years. My children help me more and more each day. Life is easier in many ways, and yet for some reason, I don’t like it. I miss being needed. I miss being taller. Oh well. I’m doing my best to embrace this phase of life and enjoy it. As my children have gotten taller, they have gotten sweeter. They have developed a wonderful sense of humor. They still bring joy to each and every day. When I count my blessings, they are at the top of the list.

Here is my Mother’s Day photo. I take one every year, so I now have quite a collection.


Mitchell, 12; Leslie, 9; Matthew, 4; Laci, 8; Lauren, 15


I’m so thankful for this man who gave me his name. It’s considered “old fashioned” these days, but motherhood begins with marriage. I suffer from many times of doubt and discouragement as I try be the wife and mother that the Bible teaches. Terry constantly encourages me. He loves me through all of the ups and downs of life. I thank God for this wonderful man.


One thought on “Mother’s Day 2015

  1. Carolyn Courtney says:

    You all look so wonderful! I am still not completely used to having two brunette daughters, but both of them are beautiful–inside as well as outside. I am so blessed to have a fantastic family, and I thank God for all of you every day!


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